Monday, October 19, 2015

Imagine Robots

Whenever robotics is discussed, it is done with an air of hesitation. This hesitation is spawned from the universal fears that everyone feels when they talk about robots or AI. The primary of these are a robot uprising and losing one’s job to a robot.
The world is at a point where robotics and AI are just about to “get over the hump” technologically where they can begin to replace humans in some aspects of life and have the capability to fulfil those fears. But what many people do not understand or focus on, are the indescribable good changes that these machines will have on our society, planet, solar system, and future. The applications for this technology is so limitless that it is mind boggling.

Many writers and authorities have tried to portray robots from the perspective of jobs, or their menacing capabilities. But few to none have discussed the potential good these capabilities can offer as robots develop. That is the purpose of this book.

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